
Thursday, 29 June 2017

Orienteering is a sport!

Learning Intention: We are learning develop our understanding of Orienteering.
Success Criteria: I know I can do this when I display six facts about Orienteering using thinglink.

Tuesday, 27 June 2017

I wonder how heavy the Roman coins are?

Learning Intention: We are learning to identify key information from the text that we are reading.
Success Criteria: I know I can do this when I use the information from the article Roman coins in Switzerland to answer comprehension questions correctly.

The bright stars shine in the sky!

Learning Intention: We are learning about Matariki.
Success Criteria: I know I can do this when I record the Matariki waiata using blabberize.

Matariki means the eyes of God!

Learning Intention: We are learning about Matariki.
Success Criteria: I know I can do this when I display seven facts about Matariki using thinglink.

Monday, 26 June 2017

Who is Jesus for me?

Learning Intention: We are learning to develop our understanding of who Jesus is to us.
Success Criteria: I know I can do this when I use Pixton to illustrate who Jesus is to us.

Sunday, 25 June 2017

Who is Jesus for me? Part three

Learning Intention: we are learning to develop understanding of who Jesus is for us.
Success Criteria: I know I can do this when I use blabberize to record a script of who Jesus is for me.

Saturday, 24 June 2017

This is so exciting!

Learning Intention: We are learning to develop our observational skills.
Success Criteria: I know I can do this when I describe my observations of the building of our school deck.

Friday, 23 June 2017

Who is Jesus for me? Part two.

Learning Intention: We are learning to develop understanding of who Jesus is for us.
Success Criteria: I know I can do this when I use blabberize to record a script of who Jesus is for me.    

Thursday, 22 June 2017

The world's largest spider is a Goliath Birdeater!

Learning Intention: We are learning about Ecology by studying about the living creatures in our school environment.
Success Criteria: I know I can do this when I display six facts about spiders using thinklink.

Who is Jesus for you?

Learning Intention: We are learning to develop our understanding of who Jesus is to us.
Success Criteria: I know I can do this when I use blabberize to record a script of who Jesus is to me.

Wednesday, 21 June 2017

I had so much fun at Timezone!

On Sunday 4th of June, my family and I went to the St. Patrick’s church and also Timezone.

During mass, I responded to the word of God with my mum and dad. We also sang many songs and we read some prayers. There were a lot of people at St. Patrick’s church. Father said the word of God and some prayers.

After church we went to the Timezone. There were many games in Timezone; gun games and tank games and more. I played on the tank game, but I died a lot of times. Then I went and played a gun game. In this game, I have to shoot enemy hostiles. I played for ten minutes. I really liked this game. After that, I went to play a sniper game and shot many of my enemies. When my character died in the game, my mum and dad took me home.
Image result for timezone auckland
My favourite part of the day was when I enjoyed a lot of games in Timezone. I enjoyed using the fake guns to shoot at my enemies.

Learning Intention: We are learning to follow the structure of a recount.
Success Criteria: I know I can do this when I write an introduction, followed by the events and a conclusion about my time at Timezone.

Thursday, 15 June 2017

Ants are the longest living of all insects!

Learning Intention: We are learning about ecology through using the Inquiry process to study the living creatures in our school environment.
Success Criteria: I know I can do this when I ask eight key questions about ants.

Monday, 12 June 2017

A trip to Wellington!

On Saturday morning the 13th of May, my family and I travelled to Wellington to renew our passports. It took us one hour to get there.

Our bags were blue, purple and gold. We took them to the airport with us. We saw lots of people in the airport, boarding
gates and people holding bags and tickets.

Image result for wellingtonAfter we grabbed our tickets and went to our boarding gate, it was time to wait for our plane. When the plane came into the airport, we walked in though the boarding gate and got on the plane. I sat next to the window. Soon the plane took off. When  I looked out the window, I saw other planes and I felt a bit nervous because I was a bit scared of heights.

When we got there we went to the hotel, grabbed our key cards and we went to the room that had three beds. The following day, we went to the place to renew our passports. Then we grabbed our bags from the hotel and went the airport again.

On the way home, on the plane I saw New Zealand. I saw the wing wobbled when we were high up in the sky.When we landed I saw the air brakes go down before hitting the runway. The plane went to the boarding gates and we went outside and went home.
My favourite part of the weekend was when we renewed our passports in Wellington with mom and dad.

Learning Intention: We are learning to follow the structure of a recount.
Success Criteria: I know I can do this when I write an introduction, the events and a conclusion for my trip to Wellington.